

  • Available in 40 litre bags.

    Specially formulated by the Wyatt team to give your lawn the foundation it needs to establish a stunning lawn.

  • Specially formulated by the Wyatt team to give your lawn the foundation it needs to establish a stunning lawn.

    Available in bulk, please enquire instore for more details.


  • The topsoil in Auckland, New Zealand offers an array of benefits due to its rich composition. Comprising a blend of organic matter, minerals, and a balanced pH level, Auckland's topsoil fosters optimal conditions for robust plant growth. Its nutrient-rich content, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and essential trace elements, promotes flourishing vegetation and sustainable agricultural yields. Additionally, the soil's excellent water retention properties contribute to moisture conservation, supporting plants during dry spells. Auckland's topsoil not only aids in fostering healthy gardens and agricultural productivity but also plays a crucial role in preserving the region's diverse ecosystems.

    Available in 40 litre bags.

  • The topsoil in Auckland, New Zealand offers an array of benefits due to its rich composition. Comprising a blend of organic matter, minerals, and a balanced pH level, Auckland's topsoil fosters optimal conditions for robust plant growth. Its nutrient-rich content, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and essential trace elements, promotes flourishing vegetation and sustainable agricultural yields. Additionally, the soil's excellent water retention properties contribute to moisture conservation, supporting plants during dry spells. Auckland's topsoil not only aids in fostering healthy gardens and agricultural productivity but also plays a crucial role in preserving the region's diverse ecosystems.

    Available in bulk, please enquire instore for more details.


  • The topsoil in Waikato, New Zealand is renowned for its rich fertility and diverse composition, offering an array of benefits for agricultural productivity. Comprised of a balanced mix of minerals, organic matter, and nutrients, this soil promotes optimal crop growth and sustains a thriving ecosystem. Its high organic content supports moisture retention, enhancing soil structure and fostering a healthy environment for plant roots. Additionally, the presence of key nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contributes to robust and sustainable agriculture, making Waikato's topsoil an invaluable resource for bountiful yields and long-term soil health.

    Available in 40 litre bags

  • The topsoil in Waikato, New Zealand is renowned for its rich fertility and diverse composition, offering an array of benefits for agricultural productivity. Comprised of a balanced mix of minerals, organic matter, and nutrients, this soil promotes optimal crop growth and sustains a thriving ecosystem. Its high organic content supports moisture retention, enhancing soil structure and fostering a healthy environment for plant roots. Additionally, the presence of key nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contributes to robust and sustainable agriculture, making Waikato's topsoil an invaluable resource for bountiful yields and long-term soil health.

    Available in bulk, please enquire instore for more details.